Privacy Policy

Thank you for visiting the Website.

What is our privacy policy?

Our privacy policy sets out how and why we collect your personal information, how we use this information and to whom the information may be disclosed.

Please take a moment to read this policy. By using and submitting information to us you agree to our use of your personal information (“Personal Information“) in accordance with this policy. You agree that we may use all Information you provide to us in accordance with this Policy as amended from time to time.

What type of information does collect and how do we collect it? We collect Information given by you in order to more effectively provide services to you.

Site Visit information

We or our agents or service providers make a record of your visit and log Information such as your server address, your top level domain name (eg. .com, .gov, .au, .uk etc.), the date and time of your visit to this website, the pages you access and documents you download, the referring site and the type of browser used. This Information is anonymous and is only used for statistical and website development purposes. No attempt will be made to identify users or their browsing activities except, in the unlikely event of an investigation, where a law enforcement agency may exercise a warrant to inspect the web server’s logs.

Personal Information

Private or personal information is defined by the Act and is essentially information or an opinion about a person who is reasonably identifiable (“Personal Information“) The Personal Information we collect will not be supplied by us to any other party, save as in accordance with this policy or the reasonable requirement of any law or regulation. The type of Personal Information we may collect from you includes information such as the following:

Full Name




How does and disclose your Information? operates its business throughout Australia

Disclosure as required by Law
We will only disclosure your Personal Information to persons or authorities who are authorised by law to receive your Personal Information or by authority given by you or your estate or pursuant to terms of this Policy.

Direct Marketing

We collect Information for the purpose of providing customers with marketing material and to enhance and develop our relationship with our customers. We do not sell, provide, or allow your Information to be viewed by any person not engaged or employed by us without your prior consent.

We may disclose your Personal Information to bodies and service providers to improve our marketing services to our customers.
We may also use Personal Information to inform you of promotions which may be of interest along with details of other products or services we provide.
If you wish to opt out of direct marketing offers, you can contact us by email on

Cross Border Disclosure

Personal Information may be disclosed to our service providers, including service providers which are located outside of Australia for the purpose of us providing services and marketing material to you.
Except in some circumstances where we may rely on an exemption under the Act or other law, we will take reasonable steps to ensure that that the privacy of your Personal Information is addressed in any service agreement with our service providers.

Where is my Personal Information stored and how secure is the storage?

Any Information sent to us via the Internet is sent at your own risk. shall not be held accountable for the privacy practices of other websites which appear as links on our website or to links to our websites from other may contain links to other sites which may be located within or outside of Australia. This privacy policy does not apply to any sites which are not controlled or operated by us.

What Are cookies

When you visit our site we may use cookies and other technologies to automatically collect the following information however not limited to:
• Technical information, including your IP address, your login information, browser type and version, device identifier, location and time zone setting, browser plug-in types and versions, operating system and platform, page response times, and download errors;
• Information about your visit, including the websites you visit before and after our site and products you viewed or searched for;
• Length of visits to certain pages, page interaction information (such as scrolling, clicks, and mouse-overs), and methods used to browse away from the page.

A cookie is a piece of data that a website places on your browser when you visit the website. A cookie can store a range of information.

We use cookies and other automated means to help you navigate our website efficiently and to perform certain functions, including site traffic analytics and security and fraud prevention. Cookies may also recognize you on your next login, and offer you content and advertising tailored to your preferences and interests. Cookies do not compromise the security of a website.

We use various technologies to collect this information, including cookies and web beacons, and when we say “cookies” we mean all of these technologies. Note that disabling some cookie categories may impact your experience of our site.

Cookie Domain Description All Cookies are leveraged to provide site functionality, analytics and advertising and profiling to ensure you get the best experience possible

How can you manage cookies?

If you don’t want to receive cookies, you can modify your browser setting, so that it notifies you when cookies are sent to it, or you can refuse cookies altogether. You can also delete cookies that have already been set.

The help function within your browser should tell you how to do this.

Alternatively, you may wish to visit, which contains comprehensive information on how to refine or remove cookies on a wide variety of desktop browsers.

How can customers ensure the accuracy and rectification in regard to their Personal Information?

When Personal Information is provided to by you, you warrant that the Personal Information given is accurate, current and complete and undertake to maintain the accuracy, currency and completeness of the Information which we retain. You also warrant that you have authority to provide this Personal Information to us.

Customers wishing to access their Personal Information for the purpose of rectifying inaccuracies may also do so by written request to We will comply with reasonable requests to have inaccuracies corrected.

How can customers’ information be removed from our database?

If at any stage a customer would like their Personal Information removed from our database, we require an email with the username, password and identifying information and the patients file will be deleted from our records. Please send to:

How do I make a complaint? will use its best endeavours to ensure the privacy of your Personal Information. If you have any questions, queries or complaints, please contact us at Complaints received will be taken seriously and the outcome will be relayed to you in a timely manner. reserves the right to review and amend this policy from time to time and will notify you of any amendments by posting an updated version of the policy on this website. Changes to privacy policy 20/06/22